I am an INTJ who has lucked out in life to find her passion in Marketing & Strategic planning. With years of working in various high-pressure environments [ranging from international organization to state-owned company to family business], I have found my perfect balance of being a marketer: to be open enough to draw in people & be in the loop of fast-moving communication; yet to be reserved enough to retain one's own marketing sense and insight. My career’s goal is to build up Brand & Business legacies.
Senior Business Director
dentsu Creative
Provides leadership and overall supervision of the business unit/set of accounts, and serves as the agency’s management representative to clients. Ultimately responsible for the profitable growth of assigned accounts, development of the team, and securing client relationships.
Key Responsibilities:
- Proactive Business Leadership
- Client Relations
- Communication & Collaboration (Internal Relations / Supervision)
- Financial Contribution
- Creativity & Innovation
Marketing Advisor to CEO/Acting CMO
Area of responsibilities: Brand & Performance MKT, Trade MKT, CMI, CRM, Visual Merchandising,
Visual Creative.
Key roles: Growth Driver, Innovation Catalyst, Brand Storyteller, and Capability Builder.
Key Responsibilities:
- Oversee a company’s overall consumer-centric strategic planning
- Lead commercial & innovation planning by fashion seasons (S/S, F/W)
- Give direction on branding & advertising & trade strategy/campaign
- Drive revenue by increasing sales through marketing activities
- Lead CX culture in the company
- Drive innovation through extensive CMI, R&D and CRM efforts
- Develop the structure of the business’s marketing department & nurture team member’s talent.
Led MKT team to successfully seize the best department award of the company in H1/2022; by achieving 115% revenue target under broken merchandising arrival schedule situation of SS22.
Group Brand Manager for Strategic planning & Portfolio communication
HABECO Head Quarter (Bia Ha Noi, Bia Hoi Ha Noi, Hanoi BOLD & Light, Truc Bach)
Special project to revive Habeco to its prosperous era and with two main business goals:
- Cementing the 1st player position in Northern beer market by recovering lost shares from big
international competitors
- Reaching out to Southern market to build foundation for future sales & share contribution
- HABECO’s share volume increased for 3 consecutive months in key selling season Summer 2020
after losing continuously to competitors and despite being affected by Degree 100 & Covid-19.
- Successfully launched a series of new product, created a big boom in the market: Bia Hoi Ha Noi
Can & PET Bottle; Bia Ha Noi 1890 and Hanoi BOLD & Light Can.
- Upgraded HABECO brands’ communication to a higher level, particularly Bia Ha Noi being
acknowledged in the TOP 3 alcohol brand’s digital communication ranking, for the 1st time by
Brand Manager - Tiger Brand at Heineken Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh Head Quarter)
Former Assistant Brand Manager - Tiger Brand at Heineken Hanoi
Tiger has been reinvested for the win since 2016 with tremendous growth driven by Tiger Crystal. My
most honor works here including leading consecutive 360-degree-campaigns of Tiger to success:
- Tiger Wall “Uncage Your Courage” (Biggest campaign of the year to unlock Tiger’s
proposition “Uncage”): TTL communications brought from TVC to Digital to on-ground activities, in
which Tiger Wall is the heart of the campaign to deliver UYC key message boldly & impressively.
Highlight of TW’17 event was Tiger’s first & most Uncaging ever construction made by 26
containers: 16m high & 40m wide. The campaign improved significantly BHT KPIs of Tiger.
- Tiger Crystal “Intense Refreshment -1 degree”: This campaign faced several challenges
from internal due to under qualification execution of previous campaign yet completed with a
larger scale & high appreciation from Management team, Field sales, Outlet owners and
Consumers. Consumer experiential platform “Tiger Crystal House” was first time introduced &
proven the right direction to win hearts of the hard-to-attract Core drinkers.
- Tiger Festive “Uncage the Spring” with Remix music concert platform through the years.
- Best employee Q3/2017 for leading Tiger Crystal campaign to success
- Global Tiger Uncage Award (Team award) for remarkable performance of all 2017’s campaigns
Branding Consultancy Manager
haki|ABI of haki Group
Brand building is the root of success that needs to be developed in early stage and based on the
enterprise's core values. A great brand is completed by its soul (Brand essence & DNAs) and its Body
(Visual & Touch-points); haki|ABI is the place to master how brands are born before all other
marketing activities.
Representative clients I was involved:
JYSK (Furniture), CAOZA (Luxury furniture), Canifa (Clothing), Hawee (Mechanical and Electrical),
Muong Thanh (Hotel), ALS (Aviation Logistics), EMS Vietnam, DTK (Organic Food), Vinasteel, Xuan
Thanh (THAI) Group, CMC (IT)..
Started as an IMC executive, promoted to Branding consultancy manager in 3 months, leading a team of 7 people (including brand executives, designers & copy-writers).
Brand Officer - Diana Brand
Diana JSC. - A member of Unicharm Japan
In charge of execution for marketing campaigns of Diana Umbrella brand & Main Brand Super
Absorbent (Diana Sieutham) & Leader (report directly to Marketing director & CEO) of Diana Night
Scope of work:
- 360 campaign execution to assist Brand manager delivering campaign KPIs
- CMI via Nielsen & Internal sales report analysis & other in-house researches
- Product R&D and Innovation
- Started with Diana 4teen, granted to be in charge of mainstream brands (Diana Umbrella, Diana
Sieutham & Diana Night) after 4 months working.
- Project leader of Diana Night 35cm product launching: To incooperate countries’ branches &
departments for successful R&D and launching of the imported Night 35cm product. Diana Night
35cm reached 1st place in value share of Night Extra-length pad category 4 months after launching,
surpassed its direct competitors (Kotex Night PRO 32cm and Laurier 35cm). The positive results led
to Diana Night segment recovered 1st place in November 2013, after 2 consecutive years losing to
- Project leader of Diana Facebook Fanpage launching: Started from scratch to build Diana’s
content strategy and 1st fanbase batch to set the foundation of current Diana FB fanpage’s
Bachelor Degree - Tourism Management in English
Hanoi University
Being the highest and only receiver of the whole Tourism Management Department
for the 8.0-level scholarship in the last semester.
Advanced Diploma in Multimedia (2D design, Web design, Film-making, 3D & Animation)
Arena Multimedia
- Highest score of the class for final group assignments of the 1st & 2nd semester.
- All-time topscore for Phap Lam Hue brand identity design project, posted on Arena’s website.
ENGLISH: Advanced
JAPANESE: Elementary
CHINESE: Intermediate